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Identify Non-Negotiable Core Values

Visible You

Updated: Sep 14, 2019

‘Bad choices are a reaction to not believing in themselves’

First things first. We have the students identify their positive core values. From this list, they create the three positive values about themselves that are so special; so very special about who they are. Then they create the three positive values about themselves that are so special; so very special about them. From here we create their three positive Non-Negotiable Core Values. These become their magical powers.

We also create positive values about the peers they would like to have. Being more aware of what qualities they want in their peers, they begin to develop friendships with people who have similar qualities. These qualities in time become non-negotiable in relationships.

VISIBLE gives students the tools and discipline to be the entrepreneur of their Non-Negotiable Core Values. This reinforces their identity instead of challenging them with bad choices. Strengthening core values is an effective way to shift a fear into a strength or an insecurity into a security regardless of the circumstances.

Students use our techniques and learn to consistently apply this new belief about their Self. This belief is their real identity and is so powerful.

“You make it a habit to be proactive in your life when you build on what is positive about your Self. When you look for the positive in your Self, you know how to look at the positive in a situation while being aware of the whole situation”

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